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Bending Lightroom Presets to Your Will

Bending Lightroom Presets to Your Will : " Bending Lightroom Presets to Your Will If you use Lightroom, then you’re most likely familiar with and frequently use presets . Some of you have even gotten your feet wet with designing you own presets. It’s easy activity to learn, but it is hard one to master! A lot of people work really hard to design great presets for you to use. Rarely will any given preset work for you, sometimes you will find the need to make adjustments to a preset. If you find yourself frequently making the same adjustments, maybe it is time you modify the preset you use and make those adjustments permanent. The easiest way to modify a preset is to make your adjustments to your image and them right-click {cmd+click} on the preset you desire to alter. Then, from the contextual menu click on Update with Current Settings . When the Update Develop Preset dialog opens, simply click Check All then uncheck all the features you do not want the preset to alter. Click Upd