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HTML Examples, ejemplos de código HTML

HTML Examples, ejemplos de código HTML:

(Imagen Wikipedia)
A estas alturas ya todos conocéis en más o menos profundidad el lenguaje de marcado HTML (base de todas las páginas web de Internet), pero nunca viene mal tener a mano una web donde nos muestren ejemplos de código fuente más frecuentes (como enlaces, imágenes, formateo de texto, etc) y el resultado de su ejecución.
En la web de, puedes encontrar este genial enlace llamado HTML Examples, en el cual puedes ver una gran variedad de ejemplos que pasamos a listar:
Haz click abajo para ver el listado completo de ejemplos que nos ofrecen:

HTML Basic
A very simple HTML document

HTML headings

HTML paragraphs

HTML links

HTML images
Examples explained

HTML Headings
HTML headings

Insert comments in the HTML source code

Insert horizontal lines
Examples explained

HTML Paragraphs
HTML paragraphs

More paragraphs

The use of line breaks

Poem problems (some problems with HTML formatting)
Examples explained

HTML Text Formatting
Text formatting

Preformatted text (how to control line breaks and spaces)

Different computer-output tags

Insert contact information

Abbreviations and acronyms

Text direction

Long and short quotations

How to mark deleted and inserted text
Examples explained

HTML Styles
Style HTML elements

Style background color

Style font, color, and size

Style alignment of text
Examples explained

HTML Links
How to create hyperlinks

Use an image as a link

Open link in a new browser window

Jump to another part of a document (on the same page)

Break out of a frame

How to link to a mail message (will only work if you have mail installed)

Another mailto link
Examples explained

HTML Images
Insert images

Insert images from another folder or another server

Aligning images

Let the image float to the left/right of a paragraph

Make a hyperlink of an image

Create an image-map, with clickable regions
Examples explained

HTML Tables
Simple tables

Different table borders

Tables without borders

Table headers

Table with a caption

Table cells that span more than one row/column

Tags inside a table

Cell padding (control the white space between cell content and the borders

Cell spacing (control the distance between cells)

The frame attribute
Examples explained

HTML Lists
An unordered list

An ordered list

Different types of ordered lists

Different types of unordered Lists

Nested list

Nested list 2

Definition list
Examples explained

HTML Forms and Input
Create text fields

Create password field


Radio buttons

Simple drop-down list

Drop-down list with a pre-selected value

Textarea (a multi-line text input field)

Create a button

Draw a border around form-data

Form with text fields and a submit button

Form with checkboxes and a submit button

Form with radiobuttons and a submit button

Send e-mail from a form
Examples explained

HTML Frames
A vertical frameset

A horizontal frameset

How to use the <noframes> tag

How to mix a frameset in rows and columns

Frameset with noresize=”noresize”

How to create a navigation frame

Inline frame (a frame inside an HTML page)

Jump to a specified section within a frame

Jump to a specified section with frame navigation
Examples explained

HTML and Styles
Using styles in HTML

Link that is not underlined

Link to an external style sheet
Examples explained

HTML head Elements
Specify a title for a document

One target for all links on a page
Examples explained

HTML <meta> Tags
Document description

Document keywords

Redirect a user
Examples explained

HTML Scripts
Insert a script

Use of the <noscript> tag
Examples explained

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